Mission Statement
“To improve the quality of life for people, through the creation and development of timeless and environmentally friendly masonry structures.”
Vision Statement
“To become the construction material of choice for all building segments.”
About Our Membership
The Canadian Concrete Masonry Producers Association (CCMPA) was established in 2005; formerly the Ontario Concrete Block Association (OCBA), was established in the early 1960’s as an industry-specific information and reference agency. We are governed by an Executive Committee consisting of a President, Vice-President and Executive Director, together with a seven-member Board of Directors (Five Producers Representatives and Two Supplier Representatives).
Encompassing concrete block producers, suppliers and industry affiliates, CCMPA’s members are acknowledged leaders in Canadian concrete masonry. Many members, spanning multiple generations, have contributed to the Association for more than 30 years–reinforcing their commitment to the future of the concrete-products industry. Their dedication to manufacturing excellence and the supply of superior products is demonstrated by ongoing facility modernization, vigilant safe work practices, technical training, technological research, and new-product development. CCMPA is the information conduit for these areas of focus, and serves as a forum for sharing knowledge and ideas that benefit all members and the industry as a whole. CCMPA is the representative voice of the Canadian concrete block industry internationally with the Concrete Masonry Hardscape Association (CMHA).
Not only does CCMPA have a strong membership base, but we are also dedicated to building industry alliances and partnerships, including but not limited to: The Concrete Masonry Hardscape Association (CMHA), The Canadian Masonry Design Centre (CMDC), The Masonry Council of Ontario(MCO), Canadian Masonry Contractors Association (CMCA), the Ontario Masonry Contractors Association (OMCA), The Atlantic Masonry Institute (AMI), Association des Entrepreneurs en Maçonnerie du Québec (AEMQ), The Alberta Masonry Council, The Cement Association of Canada (CAC) and the Ready-mix Concrete Association of Ontario (RMCAO).
Our Strategic Plan 2020-2025
2020 saw the collaborative creation of a three-year strategic plan which will serve to guide the CCMPA through to 2025.

Our Key Goals & Objectives
- Expand the market share for concrete masonry products.
- Participate in advocacy, lobbying, drafting and revising codes and standards that influence the marketing and manufacturing activities of CCMPA members
- Collect and distribute information pertinent to members’ business.
- Co-operate with other construction businesses and social organizations, at the direction of members, to enhance the reputation of concrete masonry products and manufacturers.
- Seek out and supply information and reference materials to facilitate the business of members and support the use of concrete masonry as a building material.
- Assist members in their efforts as both business executives and community leaders.
- Encourage and support research in masonry through undergraduate and graduate programs at colleges and universities across the country.
Our Initiatives
Technical Support
CCMPA believes learning and development is essential, and through partnership with CMDC we support the authorship and distribution of the textbook “Masonry Structures – Behavior and Design” to students across the country. We also provide access the Metric Technical Manual online (https://ccmpa.ca/download/metric-technical-manual/), as well as industry expert answers through our “Dr. Block” (https://ccmpa.ca/dr-block/) portal providing informed responses within two business days.
National Marketing Strategy & Research Development
CCMPA executes a multi-media, nationwide approach to marketing. We also regularly commission industry experts to research and develop studies including topics such as Environmental Product Declarations (EPD), life-cycle analysis (LCA), material cost analysis, as well as authoring various articles which support and further the cause for concrete block as a leading building material by showcasing the latest research.
Building Codes, CSA, and Health and Safety
CCMPA commissions several tenured industry consultants to represent the concrete block industry at both provincial and national levels. Additionally, we fund and participate in a collaboration with CMHA (CAN/US) to drive alignment between Canadian and American standards. We also actively partner with The Masonry Council of Ontario on their municipal planning initiatives.
Industry Wide Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)
CCMPA created and maintains an industry wide, Canadian Environmental Product Declaration (EPD), now available in EN / FR which includes all of our active members. (https://ccmpa.ca/resources-publications/environmental-product-declaration/)
The CCMPA Student Research Program
Since 2009 CCMPA has supported over 16 universities with ongoing research and funding across Canada, including: BCIT, UBC, UofC, UofA, Saskatchewan, UofM, Windsor, Western, McMaster, Waterloo, York, Queens, Carleton, Concordia, McGill, Dalhousie. In addition to the research, we also support training masons and attracting people to skilled trades. We have strategic partnerships with both Conestoga College, Ontario Masonry Training Centre, and as well as various other masonry programs.
Quarterly Business Reports & Member Meetings
CCMPA distributes and industry-wide mailer and hosts value-add quarterly meetings which feature financial updates, relevant keynote speakers and assorted additional information sessions as requested through member feedback.
Concrete Masonry Hardscapes Association membership
CCMPA directors have established a membership agreement enabling all CCMPA producer-members to join CMHA. Fees are paid in whole by CCMPA giving members access to both technical and networking resources across the United States.
Our Primary Challenge
Aggressive competitors with new products seek to capture a greater share of the Canadian concrete-masonry market at an unprecedented rate. The future of our industry, depends on our ability to influence change and protect our share of the building-materials market. To help support and fund this endeavor, every Producer member of the Association charges a $0.05/ CMU levy on all blocks 10cm and above, while retaining half a cent for individual administration. This money is used for research and development, monitoring codes and standards, as well as providing valuable resources and expertise to our members. While we believe that the future holds great promise for our industry, with opportunities to expand our share of the market, competition amongst building materials is fierce. Currently, the mass timber market is providing the largest challenge and are also the largest recipient of federal funds. To combat this, we need work together as an association, so that we can fully leverage the marketability of our product. CCMPA actively works to promote the strength, durability, thermal properties, resistance to mold and carbon sequestering attributes of concrete block. These are the qualities that lend us a competitive edge. It is the goal of CCMPA to ensure we as an industry maintain it through the use of our levy funds.
Why Become a Member?
Membership in CCMPA has measurable value and has proven an essential element in the success of our member organizations. Through CCMPA, members have a strong voice; technically, promotionally, and legislatively, that enables them to harness the strength of the industry for their collective benefit, and support strategic, unified market growth.
As outlined above, CCMPA is guided by a member-designed strategic plan which helps drive the block market forward. We have designed clear, targeted and measurable goals to align efforts across the industry and deliver the highest level of value for every member.
Included in your annual membership:
- Inclusion in the Industry Wide EPD (also available by region, in EN / FR)
- Access to all current news and updates on Codes and Standards (Federal / Provincial)
- Quarterly Industry Updates from across Canada
- Access to Industry Keynote Speakers, including suppliers
- Access to all CCMPA funded research studies
- CMDC Technical Support on MASS
- Block Technical Support
- Access to Industry Consultation Experts
- CMHA Association Membership
- Inclusion in CCMPA social media and marketing
- Relationships with all CCMPA industries allies and respective networks / resources
Our Membership Pledge
As a member of the Canadian Concrete Masonry Producers Association, I recognize and adhere to the highest possible code of conduct when doing business with my customers and fellow competitors.
As an active CCMPA member, I pledge to:
- Establish and maintain positive relationships with all people, and deal with customers and competitors on the basis of honesty, accountability and consistency; in compliance with the Competition Act of Canada.
- Demonstrate a clear and consistent commitment to the safety culture in the workplace at all times.
- Support the strategic plan, mission and vision of the Association and provide leadership in all areas of its business.
- Ensure that all of our company products comply with applicable standards.
- Protect and use only as permitted the Association trademarks and items of identification.
- Remit fees in a timely manner (quarterly) and as agreed by the majority of members at a scheduled Association meeting.
Membership Fees & Environmental Levy Collection
Producer/Manufacturer Membership
Producer/Manufacturer fees are collected as follows:
- A base fee of $9,000.00 (plus HST) per block machine and a special $4,500.00 (plus HST) per machine for production of less than 1M blocks.
- A levy per block sold is collected by all members and submitted to the Association’s accounting firm on a quarterly basis; this amount is determined annually by the Directors. The levy is $0.05/ CMU. Funds collected are remitted to CCMPA less a half cent retained by individual producer member in support of administration costs.
Supplier/Affiliate Membership
This membership applies to companies and individuals who have a special interest in CCMPA activities and relationships. The annual membership fee is $2,500.00 per year (plus HST), payable in January or upon application. There are two Board seats for Suppliers/Affiliate members elected every second year to the Board of Directors.
Financial Reporting and Accountability
All Levy Fund submissions are tracked using a double-blind system with a third-party accounting firm in order to guarantee absolute anonymity.
CCMPA independently drafts an operating budget each year that, pending approval by members, aims to balance the year’s objectives with the association’s expenses.
The Association’s Treasurer reports to the Board of Directors monthly on financial affairs, based on reports provided by our accounting firm, which controls day-to-day cash flow. In this way, the CCMPA Executive and consultants are free to concentrate on member and marketing activities while being kept informed of the Association’s financial well-being.
All year end, audited financial statements are posted once accepted. They can be viewed here: https://ccmpa.ca/levy/
Competition Law Compliance Policy
The CCMPA, as a trade association, is a legitimate forum for cooperation among competitors by furthering the objectives of the CCMPA, promoting industry-wide education, public policy advocacy for the benefit of all market participants including consumers, and providing market research, expertise and guidance in the development of industry standards and best practices. However, the CCMPA also has a responsibility to implement strict guidelines to prevent improper actions and/or conduct at any CCMPA meetings or events which may, directly or indirectly, be deemed contrary to Competition Law. (Full Policy can be viewed here: https://ccmpa.ca/about/competition-law-compliance-policy/
We sincerely look forward to welcoming you as a member.
For more information contact
Justin Campbell, President
Andrea McChesney, Executive Director, A.McChesney@CCMPA.ca