Seismic Design Guide for Masonry Buildings

About the Guide
- A comprehensive state-of-the-art guide on seismic design of masonry buildings in Canada
- Outlines key seismic design provisions for masonry structures in NBCC 2015 and CSA S304- 14, and provides a commentary
- Simple and user-friendly presentation to facilitate application of seismic design provisions and cross-referencing of code clauses
- Written for practicing structural engineers
- Excellent teaching resource for academics and civil engineering students
- Over 300 pages, with 13 detailed design examples and hundreds of illustrations.
Complete Seismic Design Guide
2nd Edition, October 2018
Chapter 1 – NBC 2015 Seismic Provisions
Background on seismic response of structures and seismic analysis methods and explain key NBC 2015 seismic provisions of relevance for masonry design
Chapter 2 – Seismic Design of Masonry Walls to CSA S304-14
Background and commentary for CSA S304-14 seismic design provisions related to reinforced concrete masonry walls, and discuss the revisions in CSA S304-14 seismic design requirements with regard to the 2004 edition
Chapter 3 – Design Examples
Illustrative design examples of seismic load calculation and distribution of forces to members according to NBC 2015, and the seismic design of loadbearing and nonloadbearing masonry elements according to CSA S304-14
About the Authors
Svetlana Brzev, Ph.D., P.Eng., FEC, is Adjunct Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering, UBC, and was formerly a faculty at the Department of Civil Engineering, BCIT, Vancouver, BC. She has over 30 years of combined teaching, research, and consulting experience related to structural and seismic design and rehabilitation of concrete and masonry structures. She is a member of the CSA S304 Technical Committee on Masonry Design closely involved in the development of its seismic provisions.
Don Anderson, Ph.D.,P.Eng., is a Professor Emeritus at the Department of Civil Engineering, UBC, Vancouver, BC. He was a long-term member of the Canadian National Committee for Earthquake Engineering (CANCEE) responsible for the development of NBCC seismic provisions. He is a member of the CSA S304 Technical Committee on Masonry Design closely involved in the development of its seismic provisions.