2024…that’s a wrap for CCMPA!

What a year!
This was a great year – once which saw more collaborative wins then we can count! Across Canada, the masonry networks are continuing to intertwine, share resources and the result is the accelerated momentum that we need. As we are all aware, the defense of masonry demands a multi-pronged approach, which mandates that we continue to work as a team, combining resources and person-power in as many ways as possible. Below are a few short examples of wins across the country this year from the respective associations, and there are a few extra newsletters attached to this email as well – the news was just too big to fit all in one mailer! Just supplying your reading leisure over the remainder of the Christmas break!
From coast-to-coast; it is evident how many brilliant, talented, dynamic leaders we have supporting us and we are working together to maximize the value gained for each and every levy dollar. We are grateful for every person in our industry and their respective contributions to masonry – we know there can be challenging days (weeks, years….) but we are seeing the fruits of the efforts!
I look forward to seeing what we can achieve together in 2025 & beyond!
I hope that you all enjoy a happy, healthy holiday break with your loved ones, and return refreshed in the New Year…..because we have a lot of work to do!
All the very best,
Andrea, Justin and the CCMPA
2024 saw the creation and execution of the Carbon Conversation 101 / 201 learning sessions brought to you by CCMPA and Andrea Boddy Consulting (ABC). This success would not have been possible without the great folks at the Cement Association of Canada (CAC), The Masonry Council of Ontario (MCO) and The Atlantic Masonry Council (AMI) – thanks to all of you!
These learning sessions are specifically designed with adult learning in mind – meaning smaller groups, interactive sessions and collaborative learning to keep everyone engaged and knowledge retention high!
The feedback from these sessions has been GREAT! We are looking forward to upcoming sessions in Toronto, Alberta, Quebec and US locations (TBA).
Save the Date(s)!!
CCMPA will be hosting a FINAL back-to-back day of learning in Toronto, featuring both CC101 and CC201, on Wednesday, February 26th, 2025 (Delta Marriott, near the airport). Please send the registration out to your respective networks – the more the merrier in the Carbon Conversation!
**Spots are limited to register asap 🙂
Also – SAVE THE DATE – CCMPA Carbon Summit, September 10th, 2025. (Nottawasaga Resort, Alliston, Ontario).
Thank you for all of your ongoing support!
Stay tuned for future updates on progress and planning!

It was an honor to get to experience all of the Masonry awards events in the West this fall! I am continually in awe of this craft and all the people who come together to bring it to life. We are looking forward to the Ontario awards in 2025!

Great news from the West – (Amoung many other “wins”!)
Structural Engineering Support / Case study Used Expocrete 20 MPa block (2014 Table 25 MPa block) and created a lateral brace detail so that the Engineer of Record (EoR) would permit a switch from 25 cm (10″) block to 20 cm (18″) block on a modern block office/warehouse.
The switch resulted in a decrease in block size but kept the same grout/bar spacing translating to a 26.3% reduction on Carbon Dioxide (GWP) of the block wall system and 19.6% cost savings on materials. Once the building is completed, it will be fully costed, and the building will be developed into
a case study to encourage more block office / warehouse construction.

As many of you know, the US Masonry Checkoff program is up and running! You can check out their website to subscribe to their mailer and hear all about the incredible updates across the US CMU industry!

After 18 years at the same rate, the CCMPA National Levy is being increased from $.05 to $.07 effective January 1st, 2026. This increase will primarily be used to fund a strong defense in the codes and standards arena, advocacy and lobbying with all levels of government on behalf of masonry, and furthering all research efforts and needs. There will be a follow-up email containing both French and English versions of the brochure and a communication letter that can be sent to your customers.
We are grateful to have the support of our industry in this and look forward to many great wins to follow!
As always- feel free to reach out directly to either Andrea or Justin with any questions.