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CCMPA 2021 AGM Success

2021 CCMPA AGM Success!

After over a year and a half in hiding – we’re back!

Last week, on September 23rd CCMPA hosted our 2021 AGM at Hockley Valley Resort and thanks to our members it was a huge success! We oversold the event with a full roster for the AGM, Golf and Dinner.

Our CCMPA Board and Executive sends a huge thank you to the industry for their ongoing support! We are by the members, for the members.

Safety First

We are all too aware that we are still in the midst of a global pandemic, and the risks are real. Gathering together safely was a top priority, and so we implemented our “Covid Comfort” bracelets. These were waterproof, comfortable bracelets worn for the duration of the conference and allowed members to express the type of bubble they preferred.

Our 2021 AGM had a packed agenda as usual, but we stayed on track. In addition to the usual business, we had three dynamic keynote speakers, a supplier spotlight by Kory Bargalind at MASA and Bob Thomas provided brief updates on the NCMA/ICPI Unification Process and the status of the Checkoff program.

A highlight of the AGM was Andrew Smith, CMDC, who presented a good news story on Load Bearing Masonry in Atlantic Canada. Andrew’s presentation covered the project from concept to completion. This six-storey building has garnered attention across Atlantic Canada and we are now sharing the news across North America.  A project overview will be posted on our website shortly.

Member Feedback:

“It was a pleasure to attend the 2021 CCMPA AGM and finally participate in a non-virtual setting.  The Loadbearing Masonry Cost Study presentation, by Andrew Smith, was definitely the highlight of the morning.  Andrew’s engaging style, and the impressive results of the study, are sure to increase market share on the East Coast.  Robert Kavcic, from BMO, gave a very informative presentation on the challenges and opportunities as the world enters a post-pandemic economy, and it was exciting to hear from Andrea McChesney the progress the Association is making in its social feeds and market reach.  Looking forward to future face to face engagements!”
Laurie Myers, Canal Block

New Addition: Kickoff Cocktail!

For 2021 we added a hydration station which was sponsored by our friends at NCMA and hosted by the man himself, Bob Thomas! This was the perfect way to start a round of golf and we are thankful to NCMA for their sponsorship!

Here @ CCMPA,
we believe in a balance of work & play!

Our 2021 Grimo Cup Winners are...

Grant Knox
Dean Garbutt
John Hellyer
Ian Gately

Special Thanks to Niagara Block for their ongoing sponsorship!

Our live auction was a great success again this year!

We are grateful to our sponsors:

Richvale York Block
Day & Campbell
& Dixon Gordon LLP

Special thanks to our auctioneer- John Hellyer – thanks for keeping us laughing!

All proceeds are being donated to  an Education Savings Plan for the children of Frank Stegnar, friend of the industry who passed away suddenly in July.

Andrea McChesney

Written by:

Andrea McChesney, HBA, MA

Executive Director, CCMPA