Reforesting Our True North: CCMPA Gives Thanks & Sponsors Tree Canada / Arbres Canada

Happy Thanksgiving!
Well, it’s been a trying year to say the least!
But here at CCMPA we have been doing our very best to help support and navigate our membership through the calamity that has been 2020. Our leadership and Board of Directors continue to be impressed and amazed by the resiliency of our members. Even in the face of a global pandemic, our membership has demonstrated a clear commitment to climate change and carbon reduction by converting over 70% of Canadian concrete block production to GUL (lower carbon) cement. This collective carbon reduction effort is particularly significant this year with the West Coast being badly decimated by wildfires.
(In case you missed our recent article “The World is On Fire” it can be found here: (
The damage from the West Coast wildfires compounded industrial deforestation and resulted in devastating effects to our carbon cycle. In direct response, CCMPA wanted to demonstrate that our industry is committed to not only reducing the carbon footprint of block production; but we are also taking the next step and being intentional about increasing Canada’s carbon storage capacity so we formed a strategic sponsorship with an organization called Tree Canada / Arbres Canada (
Reducing our Carbon Footprint
(70% GUL Conversion)
Increasing Carbon Storage Capacity
Doing our part.

On behalf of our members, this year we are showing our thanks by purchasing 1050 seedlings which will be planted in 7 sites across Canada in the balance of 2020.
150 trees will be planted in each location: Atlantic, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba and Saskatchewan. 300 trees will be planted in British Columbia, because this has been the most ravaged area. Detailed list of planting sites included below.
As a leadership team and Board of Directors we would also like to express our thanks to the membership and industry for their ongoing support and collective efforts to better the world with block.
We wish all of you a safe, happy & healthy Thanksgiving.
Paul, Marcus & Andrea
November 26th, 2020
1:00-4:00pm EST
Featuring keynote speaker
Shawn Vandyke, Founder of Built to Build Academy
Ever wonder what your personal carbon footprint is? Or wonder what it would take to offset it?…Try Tree Canada / Arbres Canada Carbon Calculator here (
If you are interested in making a personal / corporate donation to Tree Canada / Arbres Canada the link is here (

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