Safety Stand-down: A Call to Action

Dear Friends,
First and foremost, CCMPA would like to extend our deepest sympathies and condolences to the lives lost and families touched by all of the tragic events over the last few weeks in construction. These events have proven to be a stark reminder that we must work together in an unrelenting effort to pursue safety in the workplace.
2020 has thrown challenge after challenge at businesses, and as we find ourselves in the midst of a season that is quickly winding down – the pressure to complete jobs seems to only increase. In construction, this time of year typically tends to be filled with hustle, pressure and frustration as we try to get jobs done and dusted – finally heading home to our families for the holidays.
But on behalf of CCMPA and the block industry we would like to issue a Call to Action:
Find time to connect with your team and discuss the tragic events of the past couple weeks.
Give a moment of silence to the lives lost or forever changed.
And then, despite the pressure; Work intentionally, hold each other accountable and work together to get everyone home safely this holiday season.
We are grateful for the work you do, and we want all of you to go home at the end of every day.
Keep safe, healthy & well,

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