Year in Review

We are winding down on yet another successful (albeit challenging) year!  There were two strong areas of focus for us this year; industry collaboration and allyship; and I would say both were a success!

2022 Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)

Over the last year, the CCMPA executive has consulted closely with The Athena Group working toward our renewed, industry- wide Environmental Product Declaration (EPD). The new version includes both GU and GUL cement, as well as data supporting carbon sequestration in dry-cast block.

Your Q1 CCMPA Activity Report

We hope that this email finds you healthy and well, surviving despite the continued chaos surrounding us. The silver lining of this pandemic seems to be that it has been an outstanding couple of years for block production and sales - with a continued strong forecast for 2022.

Building the Case For Block

Resilience has long been a buzz word in construction design and is used in a variety of ways; often without clear definition.  For the purposes of this article, the definition will be derived from a paper by Norris, F.P., et al. titled “Community Resilience as a Metaphor, Theory, Set of Capacities and Strategy for Disaster Readiness”. Norris notes that “resilience is a process not just a result or outcome and resilience is adaptive (dynamic not static)”.

The World is on Fire

“Climate change” is a term that has been so over utilized that the entirety of our population has become completely immune to the gravity that it carries. The vast majority of the West Coast of our continent is on fire, and yet we have not paused. Climate change is an intricately complex issue, and each person has a role to play, no matter how small. Further to this thought, activist Greta Thunberg states “we must change almost everything in our current societies. The bigger your carbon footprint, the bigger your moral duty. The bigger your platform, the bigger your responsibility”.

CCMPA is thinking about you! Our Q3 Update 2020

Dear Members and Industry Affiliates, We hope that this note finds you all healthy during these changing times, and that you are settling into the "new normal". Here in Ontario, the majority of the province is entering into Stage 3 of re-opening and we are seeing a semblance of a return to normality. Production and shipping numbers look to have had a strong Q2 close, a positive start in Q3, and we are hoping to see continued increases.

CCMPA Carbon Calculator

Welcome to CCMPA’s Carbon Calculator For years, designers have been making the decision to specify concrete masonry wall assemblies in

Life Cycle Assessment

A Canadian Industry-Average Cradle-to-Gate Life Cycle Assessment of Two Concrete Masonry Unit Products This life cycle assessment (LCA) report or

Research Projects

Athabasca University Research Collaborative Architecture Program between Royal Canadian Architectural Institute & Athabasca University Concordia Research Use of new Glass

Design Resources

NCMA Visit the Design Resources section of the NCMA website to find hundreds of publications on correct and efficient design,